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Olympic Flame Peru
Spirit Plant JourneysSponsor
Spirit Plant Journeys Icon
Our 10-Day Ayahuasca Retreats offer a strong, supportive container for intensive healing and enduring personal expansion. An experience that has been truly transformative for thousands of our past guests. And, one that continues to give generously to anyone who has the courage to step deeper into their healing process.The Spirit Plant family possess a long history working with sacred plants. Each one of our healers and facilitators are dedicated to providing the highest level healing work. More than just a place to ‘drink medicine’, we are passionate about aiding our guests experiences’ through intimate and personalised support. Ensuring that real, honest and significant progress is achieved during your time with us.The world is in need of a shift of consciousness toward compassion and sustainability. We believe this change starts with personal healing. That’s why we created Spirit Plant Journeys as a place where you can find the tools to expand your consciousness and release from the wounds that may be holding you back from living your true potential.Our work and heart is grounded in deep respect for the plants, the land of Peru and each individual’s unique healing path. Coupled with an understanding of the Western mentality plus the wisdom of ancient Amazonian shamanic healing, we create the perfect conditions for life-changing results. Lovingly guiding you through a journey, that for most, will become the most important one in your life.
+51974204497 | View ProfileCusco, Cusco Peru
perushamans Icon
Since hundreds and hundreds of  years here in the Andes we have a traditional ritual the Ceremony or offering to Pachamama or Mother earth which according to our Andean Shamans is the connection to the Cosmos,  to present ourselves as spiritual beings and say thank you to our Mother
View ProfileSan Blas, Cusco Peru
perushamans Icon
Peru Shamans is a group of shamans and healers, we offer authentic Andean and jungle ceremonies for spiritual transformation honoring the ancient healing techniques from our ancestors, we are the wisdom keepers from the Andes and the Jungle of Peru, we set private Ayahuasca ceremonies, San Pedro and energy ceremonies with the main purpose of healing.
935648193 | View ProfileCusco, Cusco Peru
Royalty SafeSponsor
Royalty Safe Icon
Royalty Safe es una empresa del grupo Khasana que tiene la innovación como principal premisa en su ADN. Somos pioneros en el Perú en productos antivirales y antimicrobianos para diversos usos y segmentos. Nuestros productos incluyen aditivos antivirales para polímeros, plásticos, vinilos, laminados, cerámicas, pinturas, espumas, fibras, papel y celulosa.
4405736 | View ProfileLima, Select one or none Peru
Heart Sanctuary RetreatsSponsor
Heart Sanctuary Retreats Icon
Heart Sanctuary is a sacred plant medicine retreat center in the Sacred Valley of Peru offering ayahuasca ceremonies and ancestral healing practices from around the world. Our experienced shamans and facilitators specialize in guiding participants to greater connection with their hearts, promoting healing, and awakening their divine essence and their relationship with Mother Earth. Founded by a loving group of healers, Heart Sanctuary provides a safe container in order to share the gifts of sacred plant medicine in an ethical and respectful manner, with emphasis on ensuring a seamless integration back to daily life. Our mission is to support others to reconnect to their divinity using ancestral practices, awakening in them a new consciousness in support of Mother Earth and spreading the seeds of transformation back to their communities.
04152008711 | View ProfileCusco, Colorado Peru
Home of AyahuascaSponsor
Home of Ayahuasca Icon
Ayahuasca retreatsHome of Ayahuasca'' provides a clean and safe space in the Amazon jungle where individuals can engage in a powerful method of purification and development through direct communication with ayahuasca and other plant medicines. With a focus on individuality, independence, deep and long-term changes, our ayahuasca retreats aim to help participants find new paths in life, heal from past traumas and addictions, and unlock their hidden potential while ensuring a secure and transformative experience.
+51 914 399 763 | View ProfileIquitos, Peru